Happy Earth Day Philly!
Earth Day serves as a day to reflect on the impact that climate change and pollution have on Mother Nature and all of us earthlings. It’s important to remind ourselves of the negative consequences our behaviors can have on the environment and to take action to ensure we’re taking care of our planet. We’ve put together a list of seven awesome events taking place around Philadelphia this coming Thursday, April 22, so you can celebrate Mother Nature and show love and appreciation for our precious environment and ecosystems.
Of course, this year safety guidelines and protocols will be strictly observed during in-person events, so make sure to keep your distance and bring along your mask!
1. Earth Day weekend celebrations at the Academy of Natural Sciences
Join Drexel University’s Academy of Natural Sciences for a weekend full of fun Earth Day events. Starting on Friday, April 23, through Sunday, April 25, families are being invited to visit the museum, investigate earth and water, and learn about ways to conserve resources to help animals’ habitats.
2. Earth Day celebration at the Wissahickon Environmental Center’s Food Forest
In honor of Earth Day, The Wissahickon Environmental Center is spending the day clearing as many invasive plants as possible on the site of its Philadelphia Orchard Project Food Forest.
3. Naturepalooza at the Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education
Celebrate Earth Day this coming Saturday, April 24, by heading over to the Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education’s 10th annual Naturepalooza. Hike along the trails, stopping at various activity tables on the mission to become a Planet Protector and learn about the importance of planting native while making a bird feeder and other wildlife-friendly crafts to take home. Space will be limited and registration will be required due to COVID.
4. Outdoor screening of Disney’s Earth at Drexel University’s
This Friday, April 23, at 9 p.m., Drexel University will be holding a special outdoor screening of Disney’s Earth at the Race Hall Lawn.
5. Fishtown Neighbors Association Earth Day celebration
Join Fishtown’s Neighbors Association for an Earth Day cleanup, Kindness Rocks Art Project, Spring “Seed-Bomb” Scavenger Hunt, and Mindfulness Sessions at the Fishtown Rec Center. Saint Laurentius School will be showing off their Urban Garden with a water wheel and planting at Crease Street Garden. Registration is required for all individual events!
6. Rodale Institute’s Grow Clean Water Earth Day Event
Join the Rodale Institute at the Viaduct in Philadelphia this coming Friday for a family-friendly event that will allow you connect with the food you eat, learn about growing & planting, prepare some healthy recipes, and even play with worms! This event is part of Rodale Institute’s Grow Clean Water initiative, which aims to educate families about the important connection between healthy organic farms and clean water.
7. Griot Tale: Earth Day edition
The African History Museum of Philadelphia has partnered with Franklin Square for a special Earth Day Week-themed Griot Tale Saturday. Griots are African oral historians who pass on their culture through the practice of storytelling. Perfect for adults and children alike, the event will be outdoors and socially distant to keep all participants safe.
See also: 8 Beautiful Places To Go Hiking Around Philadelphia
[Featured image: Pexels]